Having launched for just over two months, we can't say we're surprised at our best selling LIABOX, "Indulge". Filled with locally made mouthwatering goodies, Indulge is a great gift for all, from your nearest and dearest to a last minute quick gift fix.
Kad Kokoa // Dark Chocolate Cashew Nut Spread - This chocolate spread is your new, favourite healthy-naughty go to (also plant based and suitable for vegans!)
Vivin Maison x Wild Nature Artisan // Banoffee Dreams Artisan Jam - Homegrown organic banana, caramel, chai masala, & butter. As versatile as it is mouthwatering, enjoy with crème fraîche on top of good sourdough toast, pancakes or ice-cream.
Let It Bee // Honey Caramel Dip - Light and creamy mild sweetness, a great accompaniment with fruit slices or wherever the imagination takes you.
Bohnchen & Co // Milk Chocolate Coconut Macadamia Balls - What's better than opening a gift and having delicious chocolates to snack on right away?
Joes Popcorn // Almond Caramel Popcorn - The perfect treat to tuck into and satisfy those late night sweet cravings. Once opened, we guarantee the lid won't be back on until it's finished..
WOW them with Indulge, and make a note in your calendar for a few days before the special occasion, so you can send your LIABOX in time!
**1-2 days delivery nation wide
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